EXENA Srl has decided to show the customer the transparency in carrying out its commercial activity by deciding to adopt a  Code of Conduct . It wants to represent a quality and guarantee card for the user who in the online mode has no way to physically know the place and people. The principles set out below concern the vision of the company from a moral and ethical point of view, values ​​that this company has chosen as the  focus  on which to focus its management.


Honesty is a fundamental value that must always be considered when carrying out work performance. The management of relationships both with internal subjects and with collaborators, partners and customers are based on criteria and behaviors of correctness, collaboration, loyalty and mutual respect.


EXENA S.r.l. is based on maintaining professional behavior characterized by the necessary diligence.


EXENA S.r.l. guarantees correct information activity towards collaborators, staff and any other external subject who interacts with the undersigned company in relation to significant events in company life. Financial data, company communications and any other news that this company provides to third parties meet the requirements of truthfulness, accuracy and completeness. To the collaborators to whom EXENA S.r.l. has assigned specific consultancy and management tasks requires, alongside the observance of rules, laws and regulations, the rigor required by the profession itself and, therefore, respect for the relevant ethical principles.


To the security and confidentiality of company data EXENA S.r.l. has dedicated ample space through the development of specific internal control programs with regards to information security; while as regards the legal and documentary aspects, the company conforms every processing operation to compliance with the regulations. The attention paid to information security affects all categories of data processed, acquired, managed, organized and stored. Furthermore, within this topic, the company emphasizes respect for intellectual property rights. It is forbidden to communicate and disclose information, photos or documents without having obtained the respective consent. No sensitive information is disclosed. For every detail relating to data processing, consult the "Legal notes" text. Upon termination of the relationship with EXENA S.r.l. it is forbidden to copy or keep documents or other company-owned materials. All improvements, ideas, products, graphic creations and any other product created, designed or marketed through the Www.Exena.It site or in any case taken into consideration for its creation or marketing fall within the definition of "company property". Furthermore, this company has structured itself for better management of the information system in order to optimize data processing and search times and to have its traceability.


EXENA S.r.l. puts the Person at the center of its business, whether they are customers or collaborators in their entirety. As a consequence of this, there is a ban on social, racial, sex, language and religion discrimination. Respect for human dignity is a fundamental value that is to be considered an integral element of corporate action. Forms of discrimination and forms of violation of human rights through the encouragement of forced labor, child labor and other types of abuse are not tolerated. At the same time, the company does not implement behaviors or choices that undermine the right to equal opportunities.


EXENA S.r.l. has always acted in the market respecting the rules of competition and antitrust, refraining from carrying out actions to its own advantage, but against the law.

The company has complied with the commercial agreements dictated by its partners. Therefore, the company bans any conduct aimed at hindering healthy and honest competitiveness.



EXENA S.r.l., in guaranteeing full transparency of its work, undertakes to implement all the measures necessary to prevent situations of conflict of interest. This applies in the event that any stakeholder pursues an interest other than the company's mission or takes personal advantage of the company's business opportunities. Each service is aimed at avoiding discriminatory behavior towards others and situations that tend to create a conflict of interest must be avoided as they are harmful to the work and the company itself. This company protects and guarantees the confidentiality of workers' common and sensitive personal information and issues periodic communications for correct and transparent data processing.


EXENA S.r.l. could provide free gifts to existing and new customers (including those who have been referred by others) as part of the marketing plans that are implemented throughout the year.


The Customer, like Human Resources, is a fundamental asset for this company for which continuously improving policies must be activated in terms of the quality and professionalism of the service offered. EXENA S.r.l. always interacts with the customer, believing that having an attitude open to accepting advice and criticism plays an important role in the growth of the company. Obviously everything makes sense and is functional if the observations, even if negative, are expressed by a constructive will and not out of a pure spirit of contradiction. It is essential that staff adopt a style of behavior towards customers based on respect for the person, civil education, kindness and professionalism. The company is committed to making its method of communication with customers clear and understandable by using different forms such as brochures and event organisation.

All customer behavior aimed at theft, deception and offense is prohibited.



Relationships with suppliers and commercial partners are based on the search for the right competitive balance. These relationships are conducted with a spirit of loyalty and professional correctness. The policies established by the commercial rules of the "supplier companies" are respected by the company. EXENA S.r.l. intends to maintain an open dialogue with suppliers in line with good commercial habits even when problematic situations arise. Following the same line of conduct traced for staff and customers, the company believes it is important to adopt a spirit of collaboration with each supplier or commercial partner in order to jointly pursue the common objective represented by customer satisfaction in terms of quality, cost and delivery times.


The accounting activity is carried out in compliance with the rules established by our legislation and, in the case of relations with foreign countries, in compliance with the relevant tax laws. The management of the accounting part is entrusted to specifically appointed individuals with the support of external professionals. Each accounting operation carried out and recorded is accompanied by the corresponding supporting documentation, facilitating the control and traceability phase of the activities and highlighting the responsibilities of each operator. The use of company funds for illegal or improper purposes is strictly prohibited and severely punished. EXENA S.r.l. complies with anti-money laundering legislation and prevents the carrying out of potentially dangerous or otherwise non-compliant operations with what has been issued in the fiscal and tax sphere.


EXENA S.r.l. is a cutting-edge company that pursues improvement policies also from a technological point of view. As a consequence of this, this company is sensitive to the risks associated with the ever-increasing use of information technology; therefore the owner has already introduced protection measures, but above all, a particular constant control policy has been defined aimed at guaranteeing the continuity of work and the integrity of the information.


EXENA S.r.l. as part of marketing and e-commerce policies, it protects the rights of minors online through controls aimed at preventing unauthorized and careless purchases.


EXENA Srl prohibits any illegitimate use of its specifically identified trademark

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